Friday, August 04, 2006

Who Wants to be a Superhero?

Is anyone else watching this? I certainly hope so. Who Wants to be a Superhero? (SciFi, Thursday 9pm) is one of the most ridiculous yet compelling things I’ve ever seen. The participants walk the line between self-parody and complete earnestness, while the show itself can’t decide between high camp and true competition. The result is nearly a disaster but somehow very entertaining. The challenges are actually pretty well thought out, and each one really does test an element of the would-be hero’s character. I was particularly impressed with the dogs in the second episode -- a frightening and intense experience. (Go Monkey Woman!) Stan Lee’s eliminations seem somewhat arbitrary at times, but it’s still fun to watch the godfather in action. I still don’t understand while I’m so compelled to rally behind a bunch of fools in silly costumes, but I can’t turn away. The show shouldn’t work, but it does.


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